Wow Amie!
I thought I enjoyed yesterday's bootcamp the best but today's was even better! Thank you for your words of encouragement and "corrections". I welcome them both. I enjoy the diversity of each day. It keeps me guessing.
See you tomorrow. Have a great day!

Hi Amie,
I wanted to thank you so much for your program and teaching and pushing....
I have never worked out like this in my life before, or committed to so much structure. I am a jazz & blues singer, and have struggled with my weight and addictions for years. My 38th birthday is Monday, and I am entering this year 16 lbs lighter, with more confidence and firmer, thanks to bootcamp! The month was not easy, most likely because it was such a change in lifestyle for me (I'm usually getting home from gigs at 2 or 3 a.m.). I imagine my body was going through quite a bit and getting rid of all manner of toxins. I want you to know that this month with you has inspired me to incorporate daily exercise into my life, as well as make a commitment to my health and well-being for the next 6 months. As far as smoking goes, I am a non-smoker and am very happy to be able to say so!
So a big heartfelt thank you Amie, for all your TLC and butt kicking! I really got a tremendous amount out of being at camp, and wanted to let you know.

I just love Boot Camp! I have spent hundreds of dollars on the gym only to waste that money because I hate going to the gym. I love the time and effort you put into every workout; each day is different. You make it fun and challenging just what I have been looking for! I'm hooked!

I am so inspired by boot camp! My husband is so impressed by my dedication to exercise and my new strength! Just thought I would let you know.  Thank you for bringing Adventure Boot Camp to Sebastopol! 

Boot Camp has radically changed my body! Thank you for everything you do! You have really inspired me, helped me and I can't thank you enough!

This fitness and weight loss program is honestly the best gift I have given myself. It is motivating, stimulating and challenging…everything my old routine lacked. It jumpstarts my day and I have met a wonderful group of people from all walks of life. I receive dedicated personal instruction – I couldn’t ask for anything more in an exercise program. You need to do this for yourself.
Kristin Daniels

I was completely bored with exercising. I have exercised my whole life and needed a change. It's great to be excited about my workout program again. I'm beginning by 3rd camp soon!
Pat Beckman, age 68

The Adventure Boot Camp is simply the best! I particularly like the variety of activities and the sense of fun that's built into the program. I really felt like I was getting the maximum benefit out of the program. I highly recommend the program to anyone wanting to improve their fitness and overall health. 
Linda Landers
I have to admit I was a little skeptical about something entitled "Boot Camp". I envisioned a lot of yelling and not the most nurturing environment. However, since day one of camp, I have been nothing but thrilled to wake up and hang out with my newly acquainted friends. After two camps, I have learned so many new exercises that have stirred muscles I didn't know I had! The biggest change for me has occurred in my arms, hips and abs. I feel so much leaner and firm. I'm into a size 4 and my energy level has seen a significant boost. So, whether it's interval training with weights or yoga and Pilates, I look forward to every morning's new adventure. Lisa M.
Wow! What can I say about Boot Camp. I can say so much I don't know where to begin. I am 32 years old and have tried many different things to try and get myself into shape. Including working out with a personal trainer that cost me ALOT of money and just ended up hurting my knees. When I thought about doing Boot Camp the idea of getting up to workout at 5:30 in the morning freaked me out a little. Well, I am currently involved in my second camp. After the first 4 week camp I noticed a difference in my body composition that I never had prior. I have never really had a weight problem, yet was never really toned either. My legs and butt were on the flabby side, and as I get older I noticed it getting worse. Right now I feel so good in my clothes - I can't believe it. People have noticed a change in my body. My hips had started getting little fat pockets on the sides and those are GONE! I am amazed at the results of the training that John gives us. Getting up and working out at 5:30 has been easy to adjust to and believe it or not, I have lots of energy throughout the day. I Love Camp and John Ellis is one of the nicest guys I know. He is not your typical arrogant personal trainer type guy. He is awesome. He is so knowledgeable and so helpful in the morning to everyone in the camp. I can't say enough good things about him. I I love camp and I love what is happening to my body as a result of it!
Thank you for the dedication to all of us! You are awesome!
Lisa Gray

In February of this year, I started my first boot camp with John Ellis, I must say I was a bit unsure of my strength and abilities. Could I even keep up? Boot Camp? I've been there before! In 1988 I left the United States Marine Corps after serving eight years and being in the best shape of my life. Now, I'm a 47 year old female, 50 pounds overweight and in the worst shape of my life. I allowed allowed the corporate demons to suck up my soul for the past 12 years. I have tried every diet in the book from Weight Watchers, Fit For Life, drugs and personal training - unsuccessfully. Now it was time for a rebirth and I knew boot camp would do it. But could I handle it 22 years later when waking up at 0430 is a challenge in itself . Well John Ellis makes sure everyone at camp finds their personal success as he lifts our spirits and demands that each of us embrace our personal strength to the best of our abilities. As this was accomplished so was a gradual physical, emotionaltal transformation. Now while attending my third boot camp, I am stronger, healthier, with noticeable increased energy levels and have dropped one dress size. I have achieved my personal goals and much more . My weight, I no longer worry about because I feel too good to be preoccupied my with negative thoughts. This is truly a life changing experience and if your ready for the commitment, join the journey, come aboard. If not, stay home and sleep your way through life! I did it for 12 years. :-) !!
Sempre Fi 
Pat Ortegel

I have been away from a fitness lifestyle for years. I replaced fitness for watching my bottom lines grow. I saw John's ad and was compelled to act for two reasons: #1: it didn't sound like a sissy camp. #2: I had no time management rationalizations to use against exercising locally from 5:30-6:15 AM, a time slot previously reserved for snoring. What is the result? I have more energy and I am proud of myself for getting something started. I did not choose this program because of John's extensive credentials. Now that I have done this for two weeks, I know that it is his expertise at working different muscle groups every day & incorporating different exercises that has made the workout difficult, and yet possible for me. The variety keeps it fresh and makes it a total body workout. I would highly recommend this program for anyone seeking to rekindle their love for a fitness lifestyle. Melinda, Coto de Caza
I arrived at boot camp overweight and out of shape - a true couch potato who loved food and hated exercise. But, I knew it was time for a change and John's boot camp sounded like just the cure. What I was really looking for was something to jump start me into better fitness and eating habits. What could be better than four weeks of intense fitness training with other awesome people under the guidance of an experienced trainer? And the classes were great! The variety of activities and pace of the class made the hour fly by each day. Don't get me wrong, it was a lot of hard work. John pushed me harder than I would ever push myself working out alone. But he also allowed for the individual abilities of each participant. It didn't matter that I was the slowest or the weakest. What matters is that I worked at and improved at everything. And the results are impressive. During the four weeks, I lost eight pounds. I lost two inches each around my chest, waist, and hips. I also lost over one inch on each arm and leg. I improved my one mile run time by 10%. Plus, I have more energy than ever. Best of all, it has given me just the boost I was looking to attain. I'm now eating better, sleeping better, and exercising regularly. I have the hope and belief that I can continue my new fitness habits and my journey to a leaner and healthier me. And I'm looking forward to returning to future boot camps to challenge myself again.
Diana, RSM

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Today is Friday,
the 18th of October.

No Jiggle Bells ‘24 Dec 3
begins in 46 days!!